Representation of the World Russian People's Council to the United Nations

«И молитва, и воздержание от скоромной пищи, и посещение храма, и дела милосердия, которые необходимо особенно совершать в дни Великого поста, — все это помогает человеку сделать важный шаг на пути к Богу.»


Representation of the World Russian People's Council  
to the United Nations

The World Russian People's Council (VRNS) is the largest Russian public forum. It has existed since 1993 and plays a significant role in the formation of civil society in Russia. Representatives of all branches of government, leaders of public associations, the highest clergy of Russia's traditional religions, teachers and students of the country's largest educational institutions, scientists and cultural figures, delegates of Russian communities from near and far abroad, and numerous youth representatives traditionally take part in its meetings. 1993 года и играет немалую роль в формировании гражданского общества России. В его заседаниях традиционно принимают участие представители всех ветвей власти, лидеры общественных объединений, высшее духовенство традиционных религий России, преподаватели и студенты крупнейших учебных заведений страны, деятели науки и культуры, делегаты русских общин из ближнего и дальнего зарубежья, многочисленные представители молодежи.

From the moment of its creation until his death in 2008, the Head of the Council was His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. The current Head of the Council is His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

The Presidium and Council of the VRNS include well-known Russian politicians and public figures, representatives of the world of science, culture and education, military leaders, compatriots from near and far abroad.

Собор изначально призван стать широким общественным форумом, местом встречи людей разных политических убеждений, объединенных заботой о будущем России, настроенных на конструктивный диалог и деятельное соработничество. Региональные отделения Собора созданы во многих городах и регионах России, среди которых — Волгоград, Калининград, Смоленск, Республика Коми, Саров, Арзамас и другие.

Since the creation of the World Russian People's Council, 11 meetings have taken place. In the VI ARNS, held in December 2001 and dedicated to the theme “Russia: Faith and Civilization. Dialogue of Epochs”, President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part.

On July 21, 2005, the World Russian People's Council was granted special consultative status with the UN. This eloquently testifies to the recognition of the importance of the authority and experience of the ARNC for the work of the world organization. At the same time, the Representation of the ARNC to the UN was created, designed to ensure interaction between the Council and the UN.

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