Archpastoral service at St. John the Baptist Church in Little Falls On Sunday, November 3, 2024, the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, Temporary Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA and Canada, visited St. John the Baptist Church in Little Falls, New Jersey, where he celebrated the Divine Liturgy. At the entrance to the church, the bishop was greeted with bread and salt by Sunday School students and parish president James Levitsky. During the Liturgy, His Grace was assisted by the acting secretary of the diocese, Hegumen Nikodim (Balyasnikov), the dean of the Eastern States, Archpriest Mikhail Kapchits, the rector of the parish, head of the chancery of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, Priest Mark Rashkov, the head of the service of the bishop's protocol, Deacon Alexei Golubov, and Protodeacons Sergei Kerko and Pavel Drozdovsky. The liturgical hymns were performed by the parish choir under the direction of choirmaster Alla Kerko. The service was attended by the mayor of the city of Little Falls, James Damiano, and representatives of the city administration. At the end of the Liturgy, the archpastor, clergy, numerous parishioners and guests of the festive service made a religious procession around the church, during which Bishop Matthew consecrated the icon of the heavenly patron of the parish, the holy prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist, made at the expense of the benefactors Peter and Dmitry Drozdovsky, which adorned the central façade of the church. Priest Mark Rashkov read a prayer to the saint before the newly consecrated icon. At the end of the service, the archpastor was warmly greeted by the rector of the church, Father Mark, who, on behalf of all the parishioners, thanked Bishop Matthew for celebrating the Liturgy and consecrating the newly constructed icon. The Bishop addressed the congregation with a sermon and also expressed gratitude to the rector, the president and the parish committee, benefactors, the choirmaster and singers, volunteers and all parishioners for their labors for the good of the Church and love for their church. Bishop Matthew cordially greeted the mayor of the city, Mr. Damiano, and representatives of his administration for their attention and support of one of the oldest churches in Little Falls. At the request of Bishop Matthew, for many years of zealous labors for the benefit of the Church of St. John the Baptist, the president of the parish, James Levitsky, and his predecessor in this post, Gregory Carol, were awarded the medals of St. Seraphim of Sarov by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. In gratitude for the construction of the icon of St. John the Baptist, Bishop Matthew bestowed the Archbishop's charter on Dmitry Drozdovsky. The archpastor presented all the participants of the Liturgy with an icon of the Iveron image of the Most Holy Theotokos, blessed on Mount Athos. The service ended with the proclamation of many years to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, His Grace Bishop Matthew, the rector, clergy, president and parish committee, the head of the city, benefactors, parishioners and guests of the holiday. Communication continued over a fraternal meal in the cultural center of the Church of St. John the Baptist, prepared by the parish sisterhood. The participants of the meal were greeted by the Dean of the Eastern States, Archpriest Michael Kapchits, the mayor of the city, James Damiano and the president of the parish, James Levitsky. After the meal, the bishop familiarized himself with the activities of the Sunday school, the sisterhood, the parish museum and the library.